Monthly Archives: May 2011

Quitting My Day Job

“You know what you need to do. Just do it.  Don’t be afraid — be courageous.”

And so, I’m doing what I need to do.

I’m quitting my job.  For the first time in over 30 years I won’t be anchored to an office or a classroom.

It’s scary.  It’s also exhilarating.

I’ve been dithering over this decision for a few months now.  I really want to focus on writing with all my heart, my soul, and my mind.
A wise friend, tired of my whining and excuses, finally took the blunt approach with me when she fired the above bullet of wisdom straight into my brain.

It achieved its purpose.  It set the wheels in motion that propelled me in the direction I needed to go to make a dream come true.

It has been said that writers are more interested in living the writing life than in making money.  I think I’ve reached that point in life.  It is time to redefine wealth.